Land use and Protected Area Planning
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Manual: A protocol to conduct risk assessment of corrupt practices & risk management through monitoring anti-corruption tools.
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Missing the forest for the trees: How do Peace Agreements Treat Natural Resources.
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Forest Trends
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An Assessment of Fragmentation and Clearance of Liberia’s Forests.
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Eco-risk assessment using indicators of sustainability: invasive species in the Caribbean National Forest of Puerto Rico.
Journal of Forestry. 101(1) 14-20
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Whose Natural Resources? Whose Common Good? Towards a New Paradigm of Environmental Justice and the National Interest in Indonesia.
Governance and Reform
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Illegal Logging & Associated Trade in Myanmar; Impacts of government measures to address illegal logging.
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Indonesia’s Legal Timber Supply Gap and Implications for Expansion of Milling Capacity: A Review of the Road Map for the Revitalization of the Forest Industry, Phase 1.
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Blundell, A.G., et al. 2012.
Strengthening forest governance monitoring: Zambia & Vietnam.
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Forests, Fragility and Conflict: Overview and Case Studies
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Moving Beyond Sanctions: Evolving integrated strategies to address post conflict natural resource based challenges in Liberia
Journal of Peace and Development
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Social and Economic Rights in Chega! The Final Report of the East Timor Commission on Reception, Truth and Reconciliation.
Journal of Peace and Development
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Impacts of unsustainble mahogany logging in Bolivia and Peru.
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Without Remedy: Human Rights Abuses and Indonesia’s Pulp and Paper Industry.
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Can sustainable mahogany stem from CITES science?
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Biodiversity Offsets
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Improving rural health care reduces illegal logging & conserves carbon in a tropical forest.
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Offsets could mitigate damage to biodiversity.
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‘Marketing’ species conservation: Financial incentives can be found to conserve a species threatened by trade.
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Project Design and Evaluation
Blundell, A.G. et al. 2023
Sustainable Financing for the Reforestation of Indonesia’s New Capital City
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Climate Smart MSF
Doctors Without Borders
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Developing a system to implement CITES Appendix II for mahogany.
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Assessing intergenerational access to resources: Developing Criteria and Indicators. in A Practitioner’s Handbook for the Assessment of Sustainability of Resource Management.
Center for International Forestry Research